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The things they say...

There's High Street Gift Vouchers for the senders of the best anecdotes and jokes -- why not send yours to the Editor now?  See end for details. Here is the latest selection...and our thanks go to the senders.

Handling complaints

Some complaints are inevitable.  Here's how your staff can turn them into satisfying and memorable encounters for your customers

Exclusive: We report on a new study of the UK call centre industry, which has for the first time topped 1m employees.
UK locations

Get it right and your choice of location for your call centre will bring benefits for your staff, your customers and your business
Staff retention

Staff attrition is painful and is a plague on call centres.  In this major feature, our experts examine the symptoms, diagnose what's wrong and draw up some prescriptions
Front cover promotion

Ultra Communications: Contact centre needs for the 21st century