Click on the headlines below for more information

The things they say...

There's High Street Gift Vouchers for the senders of the best anecdotes and jokes -- why not send yours to the Editor now?  See end for details. Here is the latest selection...and our thanks go to the senders.

Unified Communications

In call centres, UC has yet to reach its full potential, says our exclusive report

Keep your people happy and you will be rewarded with lower absenteeism and less turnover.  Take this advice on incentives and see the changes
UK outsourcing

With skills gained from multiple clinets, outsourers should be well placed to help you deliver real improvements.  Our experts advise on how to make your choice
  Pay and conditions

The good news is that staff turnover is down.  The bad news is that your salary has been stagnant, at best. Our exclusive report is from Incomes Data Services
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Telethon: Sport Relief
Your Sport Relief photo album - how you helped, in pictures.  If you would like free pdfs your own use, please email editor@call-centre-europe.com.  And if your call centre is taking part in future telethons, please email the same address to be featured in Call Centre Europe

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