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Amy or Kiri: call centre offers an on-hold choice

Callers to Virgin Media are now offered the choice of on-hold music: pop, dance, urban, indie/rock or classical
What Generation Y really wants from you

Generation Y people, typically aged 18-30, form a large and valuable proportion of call centre staff, yet they are by far the most difficult to engage with, manage and retain
Your pay has risen (slightly), says new free report

Average pay for call centre managers now stands at £36,200, says a new report
Free music included with on-hold unit

A new on-hold unit, priced at £150 (plus VAT), includes a five year warranty and 25 minutes of music
How many of these people work for your call centre?

Just 16 per cent of employees, on average, can be described as "brand ambassadors", says a new report
Airline chooses Swansea for new call centre

Virgin Atlantic has started recruiting for its new call centre in Swansea which occupies two floors of an 11 storey building called Alexandra House
Big call centre company spends £2.2m on new site

Firstsource Solutions is spending £2.2m to open a call centre in Middlesborough which is set to employ 500 people within 2 years
News briefs Front cover promotion: Call centre management and recording: navigating a sea of option