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See page 5 of the magazine for the following stories:

Newspaper publisher takes to the cloud

Big housing association starts hiring for new call centre

News briefs

See page 6 of the magazine for the following story:

Car firm's call centre moves three miles as more drivers buy vehicles on the phone

See page 7 of the magazine for the following stories:

Two comedy camels have been touring BT's UK call centres to raise money for Red Nose Day.

PC Problem? Let's chat about it

New system boost efficiency and cuts costs for motor insurer

See page 8 of the magazine for the following stories:

All change for all of the UK's non-geographic numbers

The former chief operation officer of Garlands, heads a new outsourcer in Sunderland.

Front Cover Promotion: Motivating Gen Y in the contact centre environment

See page 9 of the magazine for the following stories:

Hiring begins for TV company's new call centre

News briefs

See page 10 of the magazine for our news special:

Exclusive: call centres recover from the downturn...and this year is looking good, too

See page 11 of the magazine for the following stories:

Call centres begin to climb out of the economic downturn

Domestic & General held a day-long event to give its 800 call centre staff advice and tips on exercise and eating plans