Introducing the new-look Call Centre Europe
How to contact us:
Tel: 01932 254400 | Fax: 01932 240294 |
Tel (overseas): + 44 1932 254400 | Fax (overseas): + 44 1932 240294 |
Call Centre Europe, Stanworth Communications, P.O. Box 220, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 1YQ |
Dan Miller
Kathy Moynihan
Paul Liptrot
Call Centre Europe has been delivering for readers and advertisers for 14 years. These are the reasons:
Editorial Latest news along with features, which give advice that readers can actually use. No puffery, no ads posing as editorial. And they can laugh at our page of anecdotes about call centre life…and win prizes.
Circulation Call Centre Europe is only for purchasing decision-makers. Typically, they are MDs, FDs, CEOs, call centre managers and customer service directors. No wasted circulation. And our circulation is guaranteed by our membership of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC). We distribute additional copies at the main call centre events.
Support for our advertisers Ask about our series discounts and first time advertiser rates, comprising a combination of advertising and advertorial — guaranteed to enhance your response.
Longevity and experience Founded 14 years ago, Call Centre Europe has built a solid reputation for being first with the industry news – seen by many of our readers as the industry’s bible.
Return on investment Call Centre Europe delivers more for less - whether it's advertising, advertorial — print, email or web — or list rental. Please contact our team to learn about our attractive rates.
We look forward to hearing from you.